Monkey Anti-ANA (Anti-nuclear Antigens/ENA) IgG ELISA Kit
The Monkey ANA (Anti-Nuclear Antibodies) IgG ELISA Kit is animmunoassay suitable for quantifying or titering IgG antibodyactivity specific for extractable nuclear antigens (ENA) in serumor plasma. Other biological fluids, including tissue culturemedium, may be validated for use. For research use only(RUO), not for diagnosis, cure or prevention of the disease.
The Monkey ANA IgG ELISA kit is based on the binding ofmonkey ANA IgG in samples to ANAs immobilized on themicrowells, and ANA IgG antibody is detected by anti-monkeyIgG-HRP conjugate. After a washing step, chromogenicsubstrate (TMB) is added and color (blue) is developed, which isdirectly proportional to the amount of ANA IgG present in thesample. Stopping Solution is added to terminate the reaction(converts blue to yellow), and A450nm is measured using anELISA reader. The activity of monkey IgG antibody in samples iscalculated relative to ANA Calibrators.
ENA used in the kit is a mixture of several nuclear autoantigens(dsDNA, SSA/Ro, SSB/La, Scl70, Sm, RNP, and Jo-1). TheMonkey ANA test may detect antibodies directed to any of these.The anti-Monkey IgG HRP conjugate reacts with monkey IgGantibodies that bind to ENA on the plate; IgA, IgM and IgE classantibodies would not be measured above background signals.The anti-monkey IgG conjugate will react with IgG from rhesus,cynomolgous, and other primates. Assay kits are also availablefor quantitating ANA in mice, rats and humans.